A Magical Christmas Village (2022)
A Magical Christmas Village (2022)
When Summer’s mother Vivian moves in with her and her young daughter Chloe, her orderly existence is upended. Upon arrival, Vivian sets up an heirloom, miniature Christmas village resembling their town, and tells Chloe it grants Christmas wishes. As Chloe begins setting up the figurines, real-life events seem to mimic the scenes she creates. With a little help from the magic of the Christmas village, the family will be brought closer together and just maybe, Summer will learn to open her heart to love again.

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Alison Sweeney Alison Sweeney As: Summer
Luke Macfarlane Luke Macfarlane As: Ryan
Marlo Thomas Marlo Thomas As: Vivian
Maesa Nicholson Maesa Nicholson As: Chloe
Maria Meadows Maria Meadows As: April
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When Summer’s mother Vivian moves in with her and her young daughter Chloe, her orderly existence is upended. Upon arrival, Vivian sets up an heirloom, miniature Christmas village resembling their town, and tells Chloe it grants Christmas wishes. As Chloe begins setting up the figurines, real-life events seem to mimic the scenes she creates. With a little help from the magic of the Christmas village, the family will be brought closer together and just maybe, Summer will learn to open her heart to love again.

Certification: G


Genres: TV Movie, Comedy, Romance

Language: English

Release Date: 13 November 2022

Country: CA

Runtime: 84m

Company Credits

Company: Lighthouse Pictures, Hallmark Media

External Links


Directed By

Jason Furukawa

Jason Furukawa


Lucas Zhou

Lucas Zhou

Third Assistant Director

Dave T. Nall

Dave T. Nall

First Assistant Director

Warut Boonyaleephun

Warut Boonyaleephun

Script Supervisor

Sandra Montgomery

Sandra Montgomery

Script Supervisor

Writing Credits

Production Crew

Alison Sweeney

Alison Sweeney

Executive Producer

Robyn Wiener

Robyn Wiener

Line Producer

Shawn Williamson

Shawn Williamson

Executive Producer

Paulina Rigel

Paulina Rigel

Assistant Production Coordinator

Jamie Goehring

Jamie Goehring

Executive Producer

Kevin Leslie

Kevin Leslie


Melissa Salmons

Melissa Salmons

Executive Producer

Craig Baumgarten

Craig Baumgarten

Executive Producer

Robyn Wiener

Robyn Wiener

Production Manager

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Kelsey Baran

Kelsey Baran

Costume Design

Allan A.J. Hartle

Allan A.J. Hartle

Assistant Costume Designer


Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Charu Gupta

Charu Gupta

Set Supervisor

Yvette Cassidy

Yvette Cassidy

Set Decoration

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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