Stolen House (2023)
Stolen House (2023)
"Stolen House" is a documentary short film that follows the migration story of Mark, a Russian photographer, and Katya, a Ukrainian artist, to Argentina. Through narrations, staged scenes, and archival material, fragments of their lives, feelings, and motivations are explored.

User rating:


Katya Lukyanova Katya Lukyanova As: Katya
Mark Beyerski Mark Beyerski As: Mark
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"Stolen House" is a documentary short film that follows the migration story of Mark, a Russian photographer, and Katya, a Ukrainian artist, to Argentina. Through narrations, staged scenes, and archival material, fragments of their lives, feelings, and motivations are explored.

Certification: ATP


Genres: Documentary

Language: Pусский, Español, Український

Release Date: 30 November 2023

Country: AR

Runtime: 13m

Company Credits


External Links


Directed By

Writing Credits

Not currently known.

Production Crew

Edited By

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Agustín Giacomelli

Agustín Giacomelli

Sound Director

Juan Bautista Beluzzo

Juan Bautista Beluzzo

Sound Assistant

Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Milena Robledo

Milena Robledo

Director of Photography

Ignacio Julian Hidalgo Martínez

Ignacio Julian Hidalgo Martínez

Camera Operator

Milena Robledo

Milena Robledo

Camera Operator

Karen Escobar

Karen Escobar

Camera Operator


Art Department

Karen Escobar

Karen Escobar

Art Direction

Marianela Muzzupappa Lassaga

Marianela Muzzupappa Lassaga

Art Direction Intern

Juan Bautista Beluzzo

Juan Bautista Beluzzo

Art Direction

Other Crew

Reviews & Recommendations

Video Gallery

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Photo Gallery

Coming Soon...

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