Megalkuvó macskák (1979)
This is a Hungarian cult animated short musical starring two stand up comedians / singers: Hofi Géza and Koós János. Directed by Nepp József, a well known Hungarian cartoon director, the story revolves around two cats, who try to catch some mice in the house. With sporadic dialog, the emphasis is on the parody of international and Hungarian evergreens of the era.
User rating:
Hofi Géza | As: macska | |
János Koós | As: macska |
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This is a Hungarian cult animated short musical starring two stand up comedians / singers: Hofi Géza and Koós János. Directed by Nepp József, a well known Hungarian cartoon director, the story revolves around two cats, who try to catch some mice in the house. With sporadic dialog, the emphasis is on the parody of international and Hungarian evergreens of the era.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Hofi Géza |
macska |
János Koós |
macska |
Directed By
József Nepp |
Director |
Writing Credits
Miklós Malek |
Writer |
Iván Szenes |
Writer |
Hofi Géza |
Writer |
Production Crew
Edited By
Magda Hap |
Editor |
Costume and Makeup
Péter Bársony |
Sound |
Visual Effects
Irén Henrik |
Camera Department Manager |
Art Department
Magda Vásárhelyi |
Painter |
Other Crew
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