Cinco Corazones (2020)
Cinco Corazones (2020)
Argentina currently exports 60% of all horse meat consumed globally. However, the consumption of horse meat is prohibited in Argentina itself and no horses are bred for this purpose in the country. So, with 200,000 horses being slaughtered each year for export to the European Union, where exactly is this meat coming from? “Cinco Corazones” reveals the grim reality behind the lives of Argentinian horses. These animals suffer many forms of abuse from the moment they are born, only to end their lives being slaughtered for export to the main consuming countries in Europe. The film exposes cultural and sporting practices, political collusion and shady business dealings, which severely harm the health of these animals and constitute animal welfare violations.

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Argentina currently exports 60% of all horse meat consumed globally. However, the consumption of horse meat is prohibited in Argentina itself and no horses are bred for this purpose in the country. So, with 200,000 horses being slaughtered each year for export to the European Union, where exactly is this meat coming from? “Cinco Corazones” reveals the grim reality behind the lives of Argentinian horses. These animals suffer many forms of abuse from the moment they are born, only to end their lives being slaughtered for export to the main consuming countries in Europe. The film exposes cultural and sporting practices, political collusion and shady business dealings, which severely harm the health of these animals and constitute animal welfare violations.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Documentary

Language: Español

Release Date: 29 September 2020

Country: AR

Company Credits

Company: Posibl.

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Directed By

Writing Credits

Not currently known.

Production Crew

Martín Parlato

Martín Parlato

Production Executive

Victoria Solano

Victoria Solano

Production Assistant

Florencia Marchetti

Florencia Marchetti

Production Assistant

Edited By

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Andrés Sentis

Andrés Sentis

Art Direction

Santiago Acosta

Santiago Acosta

Art Direction

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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