Kokumon Gate (2019)
This unusual documentary follows director Hideki Kojitani as he follows Tetsuro Shoji, a man who claims to be able to summon UFOs, and depicts the events that led to his attempt to film a UFO. While he seeks the opinions of various UFO researchers to determine the authenticity of UFOs, the sudden disappearance of Shoji leads to an unexpected turn of events.
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Tetsuo Shoji | As: |
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This unusual documentary follows director Hideki Kojitani as he follows Tetsuro Shoji, a man who claims to be able to summon UFOs, and depicts the events that led to his attempt to film a UFO. While he seeks the opinions of various UFO researchers to determine the authenticity of UFOs, the sudden disappearance of Shoji leads to an unexpected turn of events.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Directed By
Hideki Kôjitani |
Director |
Writing Credits
Production Crew
Hideki Kôjitani |
Producer |
Emi Kôjitani |
Producer |
Edited By
Hideki Kôjitani |
Editor |
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
Hideki Kôjitani |
Cinematography |
Emi Kôjitani |
Cinematography |
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