Altered Ego - Short Horror Film (2024)
"Altered Ego" is a thrilling horror film exploring human nature's dark side and the battle between good and evil. The film centers around a character named Jeanine Mitchell, who is struggling with bipolar disorder. As she fights her inner demons, she also faces a possible demonic entity attacking her body.
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Tammi Jean | As: Jeanine Mitchell | |
Red Snapper | As: Tempest | |
Merissa Kay | As: Dr. Perez | |
Camile Jones | As: Kim |
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"Altered Ego" is a thrilling horror film exploring human nature's dark side and the battle between good and evil. The film centers around a character named Jeanine Mitchell, who is struggling with bipolar disorder. As she fights her inner demons, she also faces a possible demonic entity attacking her body.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | R |
Tammi Jean |
Jeanine Mitchell |
Red Snapper |
Tempest |
Merissa Kay |
Dr. Perez |
Camile Jones |
Kim |
Directed By
Writing Credits
Production Crew
Edited By
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
Joseph Caesar Frei |
Cinematography |
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