Altered Ego - Short Horror Film (2024)
Altered Ego - Short Horror Film (2024)
"Altered Ego" is a thrilling horror film exploring human nature's dark side and the battle between good and evil. The film centers around a character named Jeanine Mitchell, who is struggling with bipolar disorder. As she fights her inner demons, she also faces a possible demonic entity attacking her body.

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Tammi Jean Tammi Jean As: Jeanine Mitchell
Red Snapper Red Snapper As: Tempest
Merissa Kay Merissa Kay As: Dr. Perez
Camile Jones Camile Jones As: Kim
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"Altered Ego" is a thrilling horror film exploring human nature's dark side and the battle between good and evil. The film centers around a character named Jeanine Mitchell, who is struggling with bipolar disorder. As she fights her inner demons, she also faces a possible demonic entity attacking her body.

Certification: R


Genres: Horror, Thriller, Mystery


Release Date: 15 November 2024


Runtime: 32m

Company Credits

Company: Black Russian Filmz

External Links


Tammi Jean

Tammi Jean

Jeanine Mitchell

Red Snapper

Red Snapper


Merissa Kay

Merissa Kay

Dr. Perez

Camile Jones

Camile Jones


Directed By

Not currently known.

Writing Credits

Not currently known.

Production Crew

Not currently known.

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Joseph Caesar Frei

Joseph Caesar Frei


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