The Boxes (2025)
The Boxes (2025)
While rummaging through dozens of boxes of family photos, films and papers that he has inherited, a man in his seventies, who knowingly had been adopted at birth finds the official papers of his adoption. At that point, in his life, he decides to try to find out his origins and where exactly he came from. But a surprise is waiting. By accident, he learns that he has a sister who lives in England who shares the same father. Amazingly enough, he learns that the old man is still alive. This film the story of this unexpected event and how to always discover the truth.

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While rummaging through dozens of boxes of family photos, films and papers that he has inherited, a man in his seventies, who knowingly had been adopted at birth finds the official papers of his adoption. At that point, in his life, he decides to try to find out his origins and where exactly he came from. But a surprise is waiting. By accident, he learns that he has a sister who lives in England who shares the same father. Amazingly enough, he learns that the old man is still alive. This film the story of this unexpected event and how to always discover the truth.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Documentary

Language: English, Français

Release Date: 21 February 2025

Country: CA

Company Credits

Company: Black Pearl Productions, Black Pearl Productions, Inc.

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Directed By

James Gray

James Gray


Writing Credits

Not currently known.

Production Crew

Not currently known.

Edited By

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

James Gray

James Gray


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