Steal This Film (2006)
Steal This Film (2006)
Steal This Film focuses on Pirate Bay founders Gottfrid Svartholm, Fredrik Neij and Peter Sunde, prominent members of the Swedish filesharing community. The makers claimed that 'Old Media' documentary crews couldn't understand the internet culture that filesharers took part in, and that they saw peer-to-peer organization as a threat to their livelihoods. Because of that, they were determined to accurately represent the filesharing community from within. Notably, Steal This Film was released and distributed, free of charge, through the same filesharing networks that the film documents.

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Rickard Falkvinge Rickard Falkvinge As: Self
Gottfrid Svartholm Gottfrid Svartholm As: Self
Fredrik Neij Fredrik Neij As: Self
Peter Sunde Peter Sunde As: Self
Aaron Swartz Aaron Swartz As: Self
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Steal This Film focuses on Pirate Bay founders Gottfrid Svartholm, Fredrik Neij and Peter Sunde, prominent members of the Swedish filesharing community. The makers claimed that 'Old Media' documentary crews couldn't understand the internet culture that filesharers took part in, and that they saw peer-to-peer organization as a threat to their livelihoods. Because of that, they were determined to accurately represent the filesharing community from within. Notably, Steal This Film was released and distributed, free of charge, through the same filesharing networks that the film documents.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Documentary

Language: English

Release Date: 21 August 2006

Country: SE, GB

Runtime: 32m

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Company Credits


Budget: $3,000

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Directed By

Peter Sunde

Peter Sunde


Jamie King

Jamie King


Writing Credits

Not currently known.

Production Crew

Not currently known.

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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