Lupin the Third: Pilot Film (1969)
Lupin the Third: Pilot Film (1969)
The first animated adaptation of the popular manga series, this pilot introduces the main characters of "Lupin the Third" with montages, presented through a short frame narrative illustrating a typical gang escape.

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Taichiro Hirokawa Taichiro Hirokawa As: Arsène Lupin III (voice)
Kiyoshi Kobayashi Kiyoshi Kobayashi As: Daisuke Jigen (voice)
Eiko Masuyama Eiko Masuyama As: Fujiko Mine (voice)
Gorō Naya Gorō Naya As: Goemon Ishikawa XIII (voice)
Shinsuke Chikaishi Shinsuke Chikaishi As: Inspector Zenigata / Narrator (voice)
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The first animated adaptation of the popular manga series, this pilot introduces the main characters of "Lupin the Third" with montages, presented through a short frame narrative illustrating a typical gang escape.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Animation

Language: 日本語

Release Date: 01 January 1969

Country: JP

Runtime: 12m

Film Collections

Company Credits

Company: Tokyo Movie

External Links


Taichiro Hirokawa

Taichiro Hirokawa

Arsène Lupin III (voice)

Kiyoshi Kobayashi

Kiyoshi Kobayashi

Daisuke Jigen (voice)

Eiko Masuyama

Eiko Masuyama

Fujiko Mine (voice)

Gorō Naya

Gorō Naya

Goemon Ishikawa XIII (voice)

Shinsuke Chikaishi

Shinsuke Chikaishi

Inspector Zenigata / Narrator (voice)

Koichi Kitamura

Koichi Kitamura

Kogoro Akechi (voice)

Nobuo Tanaka

Nobuo Tanaka

Narrator (voice)

Nachi Nozawa

Nachi Nozawa

Arsène Lupin III (voice)

Osamu Kobayashi

Osamu Kobayashi

Goemon Ishikawa XIII (voice)

Chikao Ohtsuka

Chikao Ohtsuka

Inspector Zenigata (voice)

Hitoshi Takagi

Hitoshi Takagi

Kogoro Akechi (voice)

Directed By

Writing Credits

Production Crew

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Visual Effects


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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