Plane Daffy (1944)
Plane Daffy (1944)
Daffy Duck is a message courier bird delivering a military secret that a femme fatale Nazi spy is determined to get.

User rating:


Mel Blanc Mel Blanc As: Daffy Duck, Pigeon 13, Hitler, Goering, Goebels
Sara Berner Sara Berner As: Hatta Mari
Robert C. Bruce Robert C. Bruce As: Narrator
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Daffy Duck is a message courier bird delivering a military secret that a femme fatale Nazi spy is determined to get.

Certification: NR


Genres: Animation, War, Comedy

Language: English

Release Date: 16 September 1944

Country: US

Runtime: 7m

Company Credits

Company: Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros. Cartoons

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Mel Blanc

Mel Blanc

Daffy Duck, Pigeon 13, Hitler, Goering, Goebels

Sara Berner

Sara Berner

Hatta Mari

Robert C. Bruce

Robert C. Bruce


Directed By

Writing Credits

Production Crew

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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