The Debt (1988)
The drama tells the story of an Argentine elementary-school teacher sent by the government to a rural hamlet located in the northwestern province of Jujuy. It shows how he touches the lives of the villagers, especially the young and impressionable boy Verónico, whose mother died and father left to seek work when he was an infant. The film is based on a non-fiction book written by Fortunato Ramos, a rural teacher in northwest Argentina, that discusses his teaching experiences.
User rating:
Juan José Camero | As: | |
Gonzalo Morales | As: | |
René Olaguivel | As: | |
Guillermo Delgado | As: | |
Leopoldo Abán | As: |
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The drama tells the story of an Argentine elementary-school teacher sent by the government to a rural hamlet located in the northwestern province of Jujuy. It shows how he touches the lives of the villagers, especially the young and impressionable boy Verónico, whose mother died and father left to seek work when he was an infant. The film is based on a non-fiction book written by Fortunato Ramos, a rural teacher in northwest Argentina, that discusses his teaching experiences.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | ATP |
Directed By
Miguel Pereira |
Director |
Writing Credits
Eduardo Leiva Muller |
Writer |
Miguel Pereira |
Writer |
Fortunato Ramos |
Story |
Production Crew
Edited By
Costume and Makeup
Jaime Torres |
Music |
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
Gerry Feeny |
Cinematography |
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