The Angel of Vengeance: The Female Hamlet (1976)
The Angel of Vengeance: The Female Hamlet (1976)
Hamlet returns home from drama school in United States, after the cold-blooded assassination of her father by her uncle, who has married Hamlet’s mother. After seeing her father’s ghost, Hamlet decides to feign insanity, in order to get to the truth.

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Fatma Girik Fatma Girik As: Hamlet
Sevda Ferdağ Sevda Ferdağ As: Her Mother
Reha Yurdakul Reha Yurdakul As: Her Uncle
Ahmet Sezerel Ahmet Sezerel As: Orhan
Nevra Serezli Nevra Serezli As: Her Friend
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Hamlet returns home from drama school in United States, after the cold-blooded assassination of her father by her uncle, who has married Hamlet’s mother. After seeing her father’s ghost, Hamlet decides to feign insanity, in order to get to the truth.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Music

Language: Türkçe

Release Date: 01 January 1976

Country: TR

Runtime: 86m

Company Credits

Company: Uğur Film

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Directed By

Metin Erksan

Metin Erksan


İbrahim Tabakoğlu

İbrahim Tabakoğlu

Assistant Director

Zafer Par

Zafer Par

Assistant Director

Writing Credits

Production Crew

Edited By

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Cahit Engin

Cahit Engin


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