The Nightmare (2010)
The Nightmare (2010)
THE NIGHTMARE, documentary filmmaker Adam Gray sets out on a journey to understand this terrifying phenomenon. From the foggy shores of Newfoundland to the steaming jungles of Zanzibar we will see where the Nightmare has left its mark. Hear from those who have survived the experience, and the families of those that did not. Meet the scientists, psychologists, and folklorists on the front lines of the battle for understanding how something without material form can traumatize and even kill those that encounter it. THE NIGHTMARE is a fascinating exploration of a phenomenon that suggests that the only difference between hallucination and the belief.

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Adam Gray Adam Gray As: Narrator/Himself
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THE NIGHTMARE, documentary filmmaker Adam Gray sets out on a journey to understand this terrifying phenomenon. From the foggy shores of Newfoundland to the steaming jungles of Zanzibar we will see where the Nightmare has left its mark. Hear from those who have survived the experience, and the families of those that did not. Meet the scientists, psychologists, and folklorists on the front lines of the battle for understanding how something without material form can traumatize and even kill those that encounter it. THE NIGHTMARE is a fascinating exploration of a phenomenon that suggests that the only difference between hallucination and the belief.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Documentary

Language: English

Release Date: 01 January 2010


Runtime: 45m

Company Credits


External Links


Adam Gray

Adam Gray


Directed By

Andrew Gray

Andrew Gray


Adam Gray

Adam Gray


Writing Credits

Not currently known.

Production Crew

Joan Jenkinson

Joan Jenkinson

Executive Producer

Paul Stephens

Paul Stephens


Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Rob Spence

Rob Spence

Director of Photography


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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