Sailor Victory (1995)
Sailor Victory (1995)
In the future, five female high school students form Sailor Victory to command three giant ninja robots: Gion, Momoyama and Sagano, so that they can fight against evil in the virtual-future of Mikado City. In these two episodes, a disgraced and disgruntled city employee aims to humiliate the Sailor Victory crew by joining up with the evil Margarita. Little does he know that she is bent on destroying the city...

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Aya Hisakawa Aya Hisakawa As: Nakamoto Shizuka (voice)
Hinako Yoshino Hinako Yoshino As: Shimura Mami (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru Hiromi Tsuru As: Arai Kiyomi (voice)
Junko Shimakata Junko Shimakata As: Kato Mika (voice)
Yumi Touma Yumi Touma As: Takagi Reiko (voice)
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In the future, five female high school students form Sailor Victory to command three giant ninja robots: Gion, Momoyama and Sagano, so that they can fight against evil in the virtual-future of Mikado City. In these two episodes, a disgraced and disgruntled city employee aims to humiliate the Sailor Victory crew by joining up with the evil Margarita. Little does he know that she is bent on destroying the city...

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Action, Animation, Comedy, Science Fiction

Language: 日本語

Release Date: 25 June 1995

Country: JP

Runtime: 54m

Company Credits

Company: Bandai Visual, animate, movic, Media Blasters

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Aya Hisakawa

Aya Hisakawa

Nakamoto Shizuka (voice)

Hinako Yoshino

Hinako Yoshino

Shimura Mami (voice)

Hiromi Tsuru

Hiromi Tsuru

Arai Kiyomi (voice)

Junko Shimakata

Junko Shimakata

Kato Mika (voice)

Yumi Touma

Yumi Touma

Takagi Reiko (voice)

Yuri Amano

Yuri Amano

Margarita (voice)

Tomomichi Nishimura

Tomomichi Nishimura

Chief (voice)

Directed By

Writing Credits

Not currently known.

Production Crew

Not currently known.

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Visual Effects

Kazuaki Moori

Kazuaki Moori

Character Designer


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

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