Goosebumps: The Movie (2012)
Goosebumps: The Movie (2012)
Hikari Takabayashi is a hardworking call center agent for a home appliance company who apologizes continuously to customers, even to rude callers who call just to verbally insult her. She does, however, hide a secret. A love affair with her married boss. One day she was asked by one of her junior colleagues Mika, to take a call from a middle-aged woman named Kazuyo Miyawaki who calls frequently. Upon returning home exhausted after dealing with the caller, she noticed the nameplate on her neighbor's door, "Kazuyo Miyawaki"...

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Mitsuki Tanimura Mitsuki Tanimura As: Hikari Takabayashi
Haruka Kinami Haruka Kinami As: Yumiko Muroi
Aimi Satsukawa Aimi Satsukawa As: Yoko Yoshikawa
Anna Ishibashi Anna Ishibashi As: Yuko Komori
Mari Iriki Mari Iriki As:
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Hikari Takabayashi is a hardworking call center agent for a home appliance company who apologizes continuously to customers, even to rude callers who call just to verbally insult her. She does, however, hide a secret. A love affair with her married boss. One day she was asked by one of her junior colleagues Mika, to take a call from a middle-aged woman named Kazuyo Miyawaki who calls frequently. Upon returning home exhausted after dealing with the caller, she noticed the nameplate on her neighbor's door, "Kazuyo Miyawaki"...

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Horror

Language: 日本語

Release Date: 13 September 2012

Country: JP

Runtime: 88m

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Company Credits

Company: Horipro

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Production Crew

Not currently known.

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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