The Fog of Courage (2014)
In this animated horror comedy, a cowardly dog named Courage must rescue his lovely owner, Muriel from a vengeful supernatural Fog. Eustace, Muriel's greedy husband, refuses to return the gold necklace belonging to the Fog's long lost love.
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Marty Grabstein | As: Courage | |
Thea White | As: Muriel Bagge | |
Wallace Shawn | As: Eustace Bagge | |
Paul Schoeffler | As: The Computer | |
John R. Dilworth | As: The Fog |
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In this animated horror comedy, a cowardly dog named Courage must rescue his lovely owner, Muriel from a vengeful supernatural Fog. Eustace, Muriel's greedy husband, refuses to return the gold necklace belonging to the Fog's long lost love.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Marty Grabstein |
Courage |
Thea White |
Muriel Bagge |
Wallace Shawn |
Eustace Bagge |
Paul Schoeffler |
The Computer |
John R. Dilworth |
The Fog |
Directed By
John R. Dilworth |
Director |
Writing Credits
John R. Dilworth |
Writer |
Production Crew
Edited By
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
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