Twisting Fate (2016)
Twisting Fate (2016)
17-year-old Claire spends her vacation in South Africa with her family, when a tragic accident takes the lives of her parents and younger brother. By a stroke of luck, Claire survives, but finds herself alone, far from home in a country where everything is unfamiliar and intense. Distraught and consumed by guilt in the belief that she is somehow responsible for the death of her family, she runs away and decides to let fate, which saved her from death, guide her from now on.

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Noémie Merlant Noémie Merlant As: Claire
Daniel Njo Lobé Daniel Njo Lobé As: Sebastian
Marie-Christine Barrault Marie-Christine Barrault As: Jeanne
Naomi Amarger Naomi Amarger As: Mia
Coline D'Inca Coline D'Inca As: Alice
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17-year-old Claire spends her vacation in South Africa with her family, when a tragic accident takes the lives of her parents and younger brother. By a stroke of luck, Claire survives, but finds herself alone, far from home in a country where everything is unfamiliar and intense. Distraught and consumed by guilt in the belief that she is somehow responsible for the death of her family, she runs away and decides to let fate, which saved her from death, guide her from now on.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Drama

Language: Français

Release Date: 27 July 2016

Country: FR, ZA

Runtime: 107m

Company Credits

Company: Bonne Pioche, La Voie Lactée, Mannequin Pictures

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Directed By

Writing Credits

Production Crew

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Julia Dunoyer

Julia Dunoyer

Costume Design

Julia Dunoyer

Julia Dunoyer

Makeup Artist


Éric Neveux

Éric Neveux

Original Music Composer

Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Sylvestre Dedise

Sylvestre Dedise

Director of Photography


Not currently known.

Art Department

Aurore Huber

Aurore Huber

Production Design

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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