Marking Out (2016)
Marking Out is a comedic documentary that follows a group of grown men as they try to figure out why they can't seem to let go of professional wrestling. Travel with them as they meet with wrestlers (including EC3, Eric Young, and the stars of Chikara and Olde Wrestling) and wrestling fans in an attempt to either rekindle their love of the business or put it behind them forever.
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Justin Ewing | As: Self | |
Chris Parsons | As: Self | |
Michael J. Rhodes | As: Self |
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Marking Out is a comedic documentary that follows a group of grown men as they try to figure out why they can't seem to let go of professional wrestling. Travel with them as they meet with wrestlers (including EC3, Eric Young, and the stars of Chikara and Olde Wrestling) and wrestling fans in an attempt to either rekindle their love of the business or put it behind them forever.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Justin Ewing |
Self |
Chris Parsons |
Self |
Michael J. Rhodes |
Self |
Directed By
Chris Parsons |
Director |
Michael J. Rhodes |
Director |
Writing Credits
Production Crew
Edited By
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
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