Gakuen Handsome The Animation (2015)
Gakuen Handsome The Animation (2015)
The school love story is set at Baramon High School, a private boys' school for the prefecture's most elite. The protagonist is a seventeen year old boy who transfers into the school and meets various major players on campus, such as the outlaw teacher, the soccer captain, and a childhood friend whom the protagonist has not seen for seven years. The school presents opportunities for friendship, love and conflict, and changes are now bound to happen in the main character's life.

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Ryohei Kimura Ryohei Kimura As: Sakuya Mitsurugi (voice)
Natsuki Hanae Natsuki Hanae As: Yoshiki Maeda (voice)
Yuuto Suzuki Yuuto Suzuki As: Teruhiko Saionji (voice)
Satoshi Tsuruoka Satoshi Tsuruoka As: Shingo Shiga (voice)
Kazunori Nomiya Kazunori Nomiya As: Renji Kagami (voice)
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The school love story is set at Baramon High School, a private boys' school for the prefecture's most elite. The protagonist is a seventeen year old boy who transfers into the school and meets various major players on campus, such as the outlaw teacher, the soccer captain, and a childhood friend whom the protagonist has not seen for seven years. The school presents opportunities for friendship, love and conflict, and changes are now bound to happen in the main character's life.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Animation, Comedy

Language: 日本語

Release Date: 28 August 2015

Country: JP

Runtime: 32m

Company Credits


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Ryohei Kimura

Ryohei Kimura

Sakuya Mitsurugi (voice)

Natsuki Hanae

Natsuki Hanae

Yoshiki Maeda (voice)

Yuuto Suzuki

Yuuto Suzuki

Teruhiko Saionji (voice)

Satoshi Tsuruoka

Satoshi Tsuruoka

Shingo Shiga (voice)

Kazunori Nomiya

Kazunori Nomiya

Renji Kagami (voice)

Tetsuya Kakihara

Tetsuya Kakihara

Takuya Saotome (voice)

Directed By

Not currently known.

Writing Credits

Not currently known.

Production Crew

Not currently known.

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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