Before the Thaw (1965)
Before the Thaw (1965)
After the 60 revolt, the two schizophrenics who had escaped from the mental hospital, who came from an anatolian township, lost their way from snow, explained how they managed the district governor and the gendarmerie and they managed to the township.

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Fikret Hakan Fikret Hakan As: Kaymakam
Selda Alkor Selda Alkor As: Hatçe
Nuri Altınok Nuri Altınok As: Deli Çavuş
Atıf Kaptan Atıf Kaptan As: Mahmut
Reha Yurdakul Reha Yurdakul As: Yüzbaşı Ekrem
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After the 60 revolt, the two schizophrenics who had escaped from the mental hospital, who came from an anatolian township, lost their way from snow, explained how they managed the district governor and the gendarmerie and they managed to the township.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Comedy, Drama

Language: Türkçe

Release Date: 08 January 1965

Country: TR

Runtime: 91m

Company Credits

Company: Acar Film Prodüksiyon

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Directed By

Nejat Saydam

Nejat Saydam


Namık Karakılıç

Namık Karakılıç

Assistant Director

Writing Credits

Production Crew

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Melih Sertesen

Melih Sertesen

Director of Photography


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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