The Hungry Squid (2002)
The Hungry Squid is 2002 animated short film by John Weldon, about a young girl whose homework and personal life is being disrupted by creatures, including a giant ravenous squid.[1] The film was animated using Weldon's personal style of do-it-yourself filmmaking, combining low-budget computer animation with puppets, photos and stop-motion animation in a technique he calls "digital recyclomation." The film's producer, Marcy Page, had coined the term "recyclomation" during production of Weldon's 1991 film, The Lump
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Derek McGrath | As: Narrator |
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The Hungry Squid is 2002 animated short film by John Weldon, about a young girl whose homework and personal life is being disrupted by creatures, including a giant ravenous squid.[1] The film was animated using Weldon's personal style of do-it-yourself filmmaking, combining low-budget computer animation with puppets, photos and stop-motion animation in a technique he calls "digital recyclomation." The film's producer, Marcy Page, had coined the term "recyclomation" during production of Weldon's 1991 film, The Lump
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Derek McGrath |
Narrator |
Directed By
John Weldon |
Director |
Writing Credits
John Weldon |
Writer |
Production Crew
Marcy Page |
Producer |
Edited By
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
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