Senior Year (1978)
Senior Year (1978)
It all took place during their...
One of the most widely seen youth films of the late 70's, this dramatic motion picture follows the life of Steve and Angie during their senior year of high school. They each try to live for Christ and reach out to others around them. But, as they deal with their own struggles to share the Lord, a fellow classmate makes things very difficult for them.

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One of the most widely seen youth films of the late 70's, this dramatic motion picture follows the life of Steve and Angie during their senior year of high school. They each try to live for Christ and reach out to others around them. But, as they deal with their own struggles to share the Lord, a fellow classmate makes things very difficult for them.

Tagline: It all took place during their...
Certification: Unknown


Genres: Drama


Release Date: 07 May 1978

Country: US

Runtime: 56m

Company Credits

Company: Ken Anderson Films

External Links


Directed By

Bruce Lood

Bruce Lood


Writing Credits

Production Crew

Not currently known.

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Roger Boller

Roger Boller


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