Hatsune Miku: Magical Mirai 2019 (2019)
The 2019 installment in Crypton Future Media's annual "Magical Mirai" concert series, this year recorded in Tokyo. This year's concert marks and celebrates the 10th anniversary of CV03 Megurine Luka. Features the concert from the final day plus extras of tribute songs for the late artist "wowaka" which were different on each day.
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Kosuke Kamata | As: Drums | |
Takahiro Misawa | As: Guitar | |
MEG.ME | As: Keyboard | |
chloe | As: Bass | |
Masaru Teramae | As: Guitar |
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The 2019 installment in Crypton Future Media's annual "Magical Mirai" concert series, this year recorded in Tokyo. This year's concert marks and celebrates the 10th anniversary of CV03 Megurine Luka. Features the concert from the final day plus extras of tribute songs for the late artist "wowaka" which were different on each day.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Kosuke Kamata |
Drums |
Takahiro Misawa |
Guitar |
Keyboard |
chloe |
Bass |
Masaru Teramae |
Guitar |
Directed By
Writing Credits
Production Crew
Edited By
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
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