Passenger (2019)
Passenger (2019)
Passenger tells the story of arriving in a new country to live. Sitting in the back of a taxi, you gradually piece together your story, abstracted and dreamlike, as you progress into the quiet shock of a new world. Your taxi driver, himself a migrant to Australia, navigates the new terrain with you, and acts as your guide while revealing small glimpses of his own story. This 360-degree, stop-motion VR film recreates and investigates the geographic and visual dislocation of arriving somewhere unfamiliar: the beginnings of finding a new home in a foreign land.

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Passenger tells the story of arriving in a new country to live. Sitting in the back of a taxi, you gradually piece together your story, abstracted and dreamlike, as you progress into the quiet shock of a new world. Your taxi driver, himself a migrant to Australia, navigates the new terrain with you, and acts as your guide while revealing small glimpses of his own story. This 360-degree, stop-motion VR film recreates and investigates the geographic and visual dislocation of arriving somewhere unfamiliar: the beginnings of finding a new home in a foreign land.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Animation, Documentary

Language: English

Release Date: 01 September 2019

Country: AU

Runtime: 10m

Company Credits

Company: Film Camp

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Directed By

Writing Credits

Production Crew

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Visual Effects


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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