What Lies Inside (2020)
In the aftermath of Haiti’s devastating 2010 earthquake, grappling with PTSD, filmmaker Luke A. Renner set out on a healing journey. In his pursuit, Luke would eventually uncover an older, deeper, childhood trauma he had lost in time, the insidious reality of psychological damage, and a public health crisis that’s been quietly wreaking havoc on humanity.
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Peter Levine | As: Self | |
Bessel van der Kolk | As: Self | |
Dan Siegel | As: Self | |
Vincent Felitti | As: Self | |
Kerry-Ann Williams | As: Self |
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In the aftermath of Haiti’s devastating 2010 earthquake, grappling with PTSD, filmmaker Luke A. Renner set out on a healing journey. In his pursuit, Luke would eventually uncover an older, deeper, childhood trauma he had lost in time, the insidious reality of psychological damage, and a public health crisis that’s been quietly wreaking havoc on humanity.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Peter Levine |
Self |
Bessel van der Kolk |
Self |
Dan Siegel |
Self |
Vincent Felitti |
Self |
Kerry-Ann Williams |
Self |
Directed By
Luke A. Renner |
Director |
Writing Credits
Luke A. Renner |
Writer |
Production Crew
Edited By
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
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