Losing the West (2013)
"Losing The West" is a documentary film that promotes small ranching and farming, as told through the eyes of a 70-year-old Native American cowboy. The film was shot primarily in Colorado. The director was born in Denver and owns a small ranch near Ridgway, Colorado.
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Howard Linscott | As: Himself |
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"Losing The West" is a documentary film that promotes small ranching and farming, as told through the eyes of a 70-year-old Native American cowboy. The film was shot primarily in Colorado. The director was born in Denver and owns a small ranch near Ridgway, Colorado.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Howard Linscott |
Himself |
Directed By
Alex Warren |
Director |
Writing Credits
Production Crew
Bill Silvestre |
Executive Producer |
Alex Warren |
Executive Producer |
Giacomo Mattioli |
Executive Producer |
Marina Nash |
Executive Producer |
Edited By
Costume and Makeup
John McEuen |
Music |
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
Scott Ransom |
Cinematography |
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