New Third Gangster VIII (1998)
New Third Gangster VIII (1998)
The 8th installment of the "New Third Gokudo" series, which is a visualization of the work of Kazuhiko Murakami, which depicts the stories of men living in the world of gangsters. In the wake of the shooting of Todo-gumi Wakato and Hattori, disturbing movements began to appear around Masaki, the second generation of the Wuxia Association. Masaki, who explores the situation, finds out the existence of the mysterious organization "Sakurakai", but behind it, there is an even bigger one!

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Kiyoshi Nakajo Kiyoshi Nakajo As: Reijiro Masaki
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The 8th installment of the "New Third Gokudo" series, which is a visualization of the work of Kazuhiko Murakami, which depicts the stories of men living in the world of gangsters. In the wake of the shooting of Todo-gumi Wakato and Hattori, disturbing movements began to appear around Masaki, the second generation of the Wuxia Association. Masaki, who explores the situation, finds out the existence of the mysterious organization "Sakurakai", but behind it, there is an even bigger one!

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Drama, Crime

Language: 日本語

Release Date: 21 June 1998

Country: JP

Runtime: 88m

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Kiyoshi Nakajo

Kiyoshi Nakajo

Reijiro Masaki

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Production Crew

Not currently known.

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Visual Effects

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Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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