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Fracture (1977) is a short animated film from France by the Brizzi Brothers (Paul and Gaëtan), a duo better known for their work on feature-length animated films such as Asterix versus Caesar (1985), and a number of films for Disney. Fracture is their earliest work, and isn’t remotely Disney-like, delivering an SF / fantasy scenario of alien inexplicabilities that makes it an animated counterpart of the comic strips that were running in Métal Hurlant (and its US counterpart, Heavy Metal) in the late 1970s.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Genres: Animation, Science Fiction, Fantasy
Language: No Language
Release Date: 01 January 1977
Country: FR
Runtime: 13m
Company Credits
Company: Arcurace Films, L'Office de la Création Cinématographique, L'Académie de France à Rome (Villa Médicis), Les films du Triton
External Links
Directed By
Paul Brizzi |
Director |
Gaëtan Brizzi |
Director |
Writing Credits
Gaëtan Brizzi |
Writer |
Gaëtan Brizzi |
Screenplay |
Paul Brizzi |
Writer |
Paul Brizzi |
Screenplay |
Production Crew
Edited By
Stefano Ceccarelli |
Editor |
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Art Department
Other Crew
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