Captain Ultra: The Movie (1967)
Captain Ultra: The Movie (1967)
In the latter half of the 21st century, Captain Ultra and the crew of his ship the Mighty Spiegel oppose the Vandel aliens. Re-edited from episodes 2 and 5 of the TV series and released theatrically as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri.

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Hirohisa Nakata Hirohisa Nakata As: Takehiko Hongo, Captain Ultra
Yuki Jōno Yuki Jōno As: Akane
Nenji Kobayashi Nenji Kobayashi As: Joe, Space Alien
Jirō Sagawa Jirō Sagawa As: Hakku
Shigeru Annaka Shigeru Annaka As: Kenji
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In the latter half of the 21st century, Captain Ultra and the crew of his ship the Mighty Spiegel oppose the Vandel aliens. Re-edited from episodes 2 and 5 of the TV series and released theatrically as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Science Fiction

Language: 日本語

Release Date: 21 July 1967

Country: JP

Runtime: 50m

Company Credits

Company: Toei Company, TBS

External Links


Hirohisa Nakata

Hirohisa Nakata

Takehiko Hongo, Captain Ultra

Yuki Jōno

Yuki Jōno


Nenji Kobayashi

Nenji Kobayashi

Joe, Space Alien

Jirō Sagawa

Jirō Sagawa


Shigeru Annaka

Shigeru Annaka


Ichirō Izawa

Ichirō Izawa


Hideo Murota

Hideo Murota

Narrator (voice)

Takeshi Kuwabara

Takeshi Kuwabara

Narrator (voice)

Directed By

Writing Credits

Norio Osada

Norio Osada


Susumu Takaku

Susumu Takaku


Production Crew

Edited By

Not currently known.

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Nobuo Yajima

Nobuo Yajima

Special Effects

Yasuo Ogawa

Yasuo Ogawa

Special Effects

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