Automatonomy (2018)
In a dystopian sci-fi society amidst social unrest between Humans and Automatons, an orphan rescues an injured girl from the rumble of violence. As they hide out together in a bunker-like room, their burgeoning friendship gets tested as external forces threaten to fracture how one sees the Other.
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In a dystopian sci-fi society amidst social unrest between Humans and Automatons, an orphan rescues an injured girl from the rumble of violence. As they hide out together in a bunker-like room, their burgeoning friendship gets tested as external forces threaten to fracture how one sees the Other.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | Unknown |
Directed By
Mark Wee |
Director |
Jerrold Chong |
Director |
Writing Credits
Mark Wee |
Writer |
Jerrold Chong |
Writer |
Production Crew
Andre Quek |
Producer |
Edited By
Jia Lee |
Editor |
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Jerrold Chong |
Animation |
Andre Quek |
Animation |
Mark Wee |
Animation |
Art Department
Other Crew
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