Blindsided (2022)
"Blindsided" follows a kid (Sam Menard) who gets diagnosed with a Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare eye disease, making him go blind. Together, he and his mom (Liesl Cruz) create a bucket list and try to check off everything before it is too late.
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Sam Menard | As: Son | |
Liesl Cruz | As: Mom | |
Huzaifa Islam | As: Doctor |
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"Blindsided" follows a kid (Sam Menard) who gets diagnosed with a Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare eye disease, making him go blind. Together, he and his mom (Liesl Cruz) create a bucket list and try to check off everything before it is too late.
Tagline: | |
Certification: | PG-13 |
Sam Menard |
Son |
Liesl Cruz |
Mom |
Huzaifa Islam |
Doctor |
Directed By
Ethan Hood |
Director |
Writing Credits
Ethan Hood |
Writer |
Production Crew
Edited By
Ethan Hood |
Editor |
Costume and Makeup
Visual Effects
Ethan Hood |
Director of Photography |
Art Department
Other Crew
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