Habiter la maison (2025)
Habiter la maison (2025)
An ensemble movie about a family composed of three children, their parents and their paternal grandmother. We follow them over ten years through five key moments that leave marks on whole families: Departures, separations, returns, deaths and births. This luminous movie, thought-provoking movie seeks have cause reflections about the nature of Time that passes and transforms us.

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François Papineau François Papineau As: Simon
Antoine Desrochers Antoine Desrochers As: Antoine
Émie Thériault Émie Thériault As: Adèle
Rose-Marie Perreault Rose-Marie Perreault As: Andréa
Nathalie Cavezzali Nathalie Cavezzali As: Nathalie
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An ensemble movie about a family composed of three children, their parents and their paternal grandmother. We follow them over ten years through five key moments that leave marks on whole families: Departures, separations, returns, deaths and births. This luminous movie, thought-provoking movie seeks have cause reflections about the nature of Time that passes and transforms us.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: Drama

Language: Français

Release Date: 21 March 2025

Country: CA

Company Credits

Company: Vital Productions

Budget: $2,500,000

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Directed By

Writing Credits

Production Crew

Serge Desrosiers

Serge Desrosiers


Roxanne Geoffroy

Roxanne Geoffroy

Production Director

Edited By

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Not currently known.


Not currently known.

Art Department

Not currently known.

Other Crew

Serge Desrosiers

Serge Desrosiers


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