Hornblower Collection
Hornblower Collection
A series of 8 films adapting the Horatio Hornblower book series.

Hornblower: The Even Chance (1998)

07 October, 1998
Portsmouth, 1794. Under thundery skies and in lashing rain, 17-year-old midshipman Horatio Hornblower takes the first tentative steps of his naval career, but a feud with a shipmate causes complications.

Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenant (1998)

18 November, 1998
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower attempts to study for his promotion examination, but becomes distracted by the serious supply problems that face his crew.

Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil (1999)

24 February, 1999
Acting Lieutenant Hornblower and his crew are captured by the enemy while escorting a Duchess who has secrets of her own.

Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters (1999)

02 April, 1999
Lieutenant Hornblower and his shipmates are sent to accompany a doomed royalist invasion of revolutionary France.

Hornblower: Mutiny (2001)

08 April, 2001
Hornblower and his comrades come under the command of a revered but mentally unstable captain and are forced to mutiny in order to save their ship, the HMS Renown.

Hornblower: Loyalty (2003)

05 January, 2003
Hornblower must deliver a French nobleman to a secret rendezvous near Brest, all while coping with enemy agents in his own ranks.

Hornblower: Duty (2003)

06 January, 2003
Admiral Pellew interrupts Hornblower's wedding reception and tasks him to locate a British ship which has disappeared off the French coast, where Napoleon's troops are engaged in covert activities.

Hornblower: Retribution (2001)

15 April, 2001
Hornblower and the other officers of the Renown must return to Jamaica to face a court-martial and possible execution for their actions in relieving their unstable captain.