Girl Boss
Girl Boss
Seven part pinky violence series.

Girl Boss Blues: Queen Bee's Counterattack (1971)

27 October, 1971
In the 1970s, the Japanese youth emancipation also found its way into the yakuza (crime) societies. A Girl Boss may have a choice between bikes, and between boyfriends. But she has to defend her choices the hard way, as her triumph and power over the girls' gang is questioned by her female rivals, and the all powerful Yakuza Boss. She inspires loyalty to her girls, and to men to the extent of many of them literally giving their lives for her - in a world of knife and gun fighting, bike and car chasing, and violent death.

Queen Bee's Challenge (1972)

03 February, 1972
When two Girl Bosses fight each other over territory, their enmity is difficult to solve - they are equals in looks, strength, determination, and power of their respective girl gangs. So, the way is open to a mischievous Yakuza Boss who invites them for a peaceful way to decide their feud: a sexual challenge for him to decide who is the better Girl Boss. Trapped, both are subject to the man's lust and sadistic assaults. They escape by joining forces against the yakuza gang, though it costs one of the young women her life - when she was friends already with her former enemy.

Girl Boss Guerilla (1972)

12 August, 1972
Miko Sugimoto is the leader of the Red Helmet Gang, a biker girl gang from Shinjuku who wind up in Kyoto and make a bid to take over the local girl gangs there. Successful for a short time in ruling the streets it isn't long before Miko and her crew run afoul of the local Yakuza, and are forced to turn to Reiko Ike, a ronin Yakuza girl, and sister to one of the top Yakuza in Kyoto, for help, leading to a murderous showdown at a small coastal resort.

Girl Boss Revenge: Sukeban (1973)

13 January, 1973
The Kanto Gypsies, a tough girl gang, hide out from the law in the middle of a disputed gang territory, where they end up getting kidnapped by sinister underworld thugs. After breaking free, the girls set their sights on one thing: revenge. Miki Sugimoto stars as girl boss Komasa, the ruthless and sadistic leader of the Kanto Gypsies who possesses more than enough brains to match her killer looks.

Girl Boss: Escape From Reform School (1973)

24 May, 1973
Girl Boss Ruriko and her cellmates escape from a greedy corrupt reform school that's more interested in cheating the government out of money than reformation. Each having their own reasons for escaping, they go their separate ways. With the help of a young mechanic, who's also on the lam, Ruriko tries to realize her dream of leaving the island of Japan behind. But the authorities are always one step behind her...

Girl Boss: Crazy Ball Game (1974)

18 October, 1974
Released from reform school, the Girl Boss and her girl gang enter into conflict with another girl gang who are allied to the powerful Yakuza Boss.

Girl Boss: Diamond Showdown (1974)

15 January, 1974
Keiko Aizawa a vengeance-crazed vixen sets out on a journey to avenge the death of her older sister.