Ranma Collection
Ranma Collection
Ranma ½ (らんま½ Ranma Nibun-no-Ichi?, pronounced Ranma One-Half) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi. It was originally serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday from September 1987 to March 1996, and later collected into 38 tankōbon volumes. The story revolves around a 16-year old boy named Ranma Saotome who was trained from early childhood in martial arts. As a result of an accident during a training journey, he is cursed to become a girl when splashed with cold water, while hot water changes him back into a boy.

Ranma ½: The Movie 3 — The Super Non-Discriminatory Showdown: Team Ranma vs. the Legendary Phoenix (1994)

20 August, 1994
In this animated short, poetry-spouting high-school swordsman Tatewaki Kuno comes into possession of the egg of the legendary phoenix, which is said to grant its owner incredible powers. A shopkeeper sells the egg to Kuno on one condition: "Never, never, in any circumstance, put the darn thing on your head."

Ranma ½: The Movie 2 — The Battle of Togenkyo: Rescue the Brides! (1992)

02 August, 1992
With the Tendos, the Saotomes, Ryoga, Shampoo and Ukyo misinterpreting Tatewake Kuno's invitation to his two loves, Akane and 'The Pig Tailed Girl', to try his new yacht, a whole new episode of chaos begins in the already unstable lives of the Saotome/Tendo clan. A mysterious shadow kidnaps first Akane's sister Kasumi, then continues on until all the girls disappear. All except everyone's favorite hydrotranssexual.

Ranma ½: The Movie — The Battle of Nekonron: The Fight to Break the Rules! (1991)

02 November, 1991
When Prince Kirin of the 7 Lucky Gods shows up at the Tendo dojo looking for his bride-to-be, guess who's accidentally holding the scroll that signifies his future mate? Why, Akane, of course, and the rest of the Ranma crew is forced to take a boat to China in order to save her from the horrors of marriage and a diet of pickled vegetables.