Todd McFarlane's Spawn
Todd McFarlane's Spawn
Todd McFarlane's Spawn is an animated television series which aired on HBO from 1997 through 1999. It is also released on DVD as a film series. It is based on the Spawn comic series from Image Comics, and was nominated for and won an Emmy in 1999 for Outstanding Animation Program (longer than one hour). An unrelated series titled Spawn: The Animation is in production since 2009, with Keith David reprising his role as the titular character. Like the comic book, the series features graphic violence, sexual scenes, and extensive use of profanity. Todd McFarlane's Spawn was ranked 5th on IGN's list of The Greatest Comic Book Cartoons Of All Time

Todd McFarlane's Spawn (1997)

15 May, 1997
There is a war going on between Heaven and Hell. Earth is the battlefield. Human souls are the prize. On the front lines, where good and evil collide, is a soldier in search of his past and his future. Spawn, formerly known as Al Simmons, is a CIA hitman whose death causes him to seal a deal with the devil so that he can return to his wife Wanda. Instead, the devil transforms him into 'hell-spawn,' a dark warrior who battles the forces of evil on Earth--and in himself--to uncover the truth about his identity and fulfill his destiny.

Todd McFarlane's Spawn 2 (1998)

25 August, 1998
Upon his return to "life", Spawn seeks out Wanda, who had apparently got over the grief of having lost Al and married another man, Al's best friend Terry Fitzgerald with whom she seemingly had a daughter, Cyan. Terry, a respectable man, works for a man named Jason Wynn. Wynn is a black-market arms dealer, amongst other things (such as the head of certain government organizations, one of which dispatched Al and his team to Vietnam), and is revealed to be the man responsible for the death of Al Simmons due to a disagreement the two had between each other. Jason's actions would also prove dangerous to the lives of Terry, Wanda and their daughter as well. Realizing that he is no longer the man in Wanda's life, Al swears to protect her and her new family.

Todd McFarlane's Spawn 3: The Ultimate Battle (1999)

17 August, 1999
Spawn is still on his quest to return to his love, Wanda, but is still in trouble. He is guided though by Cogliostro, who is the only one who can give him his humanity back.