‘The Cossacs (animation series)’
This series recounts the adventures of three Ukrainian Cossacks who travel around the world and meet people from different countries and epochs, as well as gods and even extra-terrestrials. Created by Volodymyr Dakhno and produced by Kyiv Science Films (today known as Ukranimafilm), the original series premiered in 1967 and ran for nearly 30 years. The three main characters are immediately recognisable: Hrai, the chieftain, is the straight leading man who comes up with all the clever plans. Diminutive Oko can be identified by his trailing moustache, comedic feistiness, and impulsivity. Tur is a brawny strong man with a sensitive and intuitive side. Viewers are won over by the show’s joyful, whimsical mood, and the characters’ innocence and sincerity. As in many vintage cartoons, there is no dialogue; instead, the visuals are accompanied by spirited music and sound effects.
How the Cossacks Were Cooking Kulish (1967)
02 August, 1967
Three Cossacks preparing for a meal and gather to smoke their pipes as their meal cooks. Out of tobacco, one of them goes off to investigate smoke on the horizon. He is captured by foreign invaders and must be rescued by his friends.
How the Cossacks Played Football (1970)
02 June, 1970
A group of cossacks travels around Europe, playing football against the teams of different countries, each of which has their very unique playing style.
How the Cossacks Bought Salt (1975)
05 May, 1975
Cossacks cooked borscht, but ran out of salt, and what kind of taste without salt? They go to the fair, where they find out that the Chumaks who traded the salt, were robbed by the Evil Pan (local feudal lord). In this series, the Cossacks, fighting off the Evil Pan and his servants, try to bring the stolen salt to the bazaar in order to transfer it to the hands of the rightful owners - the Chumaks.
How the Cossacks Rescued Brides (1973)
01 January, 1973
The Cossacks save a group of Ukrainian maidens who are kidnapped by pirates while celebrating Ivana Kupala. En route they visit Ancient Greece, Egypt, and India.
How the Cossacks Became Olympians (1978)
20 July, 1978
The Cossacks become involved in a dispute between the gods Zeus and Mars. Zeus wants to set up the Olympic games, while Mars wants to undermine him and start more wars. The Kozaks help Zeus and challenge Mars at the Games.
How the Cossacks Celebrated Wedding (1984)
03 July, 1984
Tur regrets being single until he meets a charming maiden to whom he promises a new pair of boots. He gets trapped at a witch’s sabbath hosted by the devil, who promises him a pair of boots in exchange for his soul.
How the Cossacks Helped Musketeers (1979)
10 October, 1979
Cossacks help the French musketeers to deliver the portrait of daughter of the Turkish sultan to the Dutch prince, that could marry her. Insidious cardinal Richelieu wants to blow off the plans of queen and equips pursuit.
How the Cossacks Played Hockey (1995)
26 July, 1995
The final episode, released after the fall of the Soviet Union, features the Cossacks as the parents of an entire children’s hockey team. While hosting the Canadian hockey team, they have to thwart their former pirate enemies once again.
How the Cossacks Met Aliens (1987)
24 October, 1987
Hraï, Oko and Tour come across extraterrestrials in search of oil to repair their saucer and be able to return home. Together, they cross Europe, find themselves defending Bulgaria invaded by enemies, discover an aqueduct in Italy and narrowly escape the Inquisition in Spain.