Sweat Punch
Sweat Punch
"DEEP IMAGINATION" is the omnibus animation film of SWEAT PUNCH SERIES, and includes five short stories entitled "DAN PETRY'S BLUE", "END OF THE WORLD", "COMEDY", "HIGAN", and "JUNK TOWN", which are directed by distinct and talented creators. This film is produced by STUDIO 4℃, a top creators group in Japan who works high quality pieces such as "EXTRA (Ken Ishii's music clip)", "MEMORIES", "ANIMATORIX", "MIND GAME" and any other challenging animation films intended for the world.

Beyond (2002)

03 July, 2002
An injured man lies completely still in a hospital room with doctors hovering at his bedside, appearing serene and peaceful as he slowly succumbs to death. However, in his own mind, memories of a recent battle vividly flash by. Thoughts of death and chaos haunt him, even in his final moments.

Professor Dan Petory's Blues (2002)

02 March, 2002
A musical number starring a hand puppet named Junior. The puppet is controlled by the drunken Professor Dan Petory who explains in puppetry the answers to such questions as why the Earth is blue and why UFOs fly in a zig-zag pattern.

Junk Town (2006)

01 July, 2006
A science fiction story about a young boy who discovers and befriends a small robot at a shopping arcade. The robot is hungry and he grows in size as he devours a number of machines of increasing size.

End of the World (2002)

02 March, 2002
Kazumi is at a punk concert and bumps into Yuko. Yuko is a girl from another dimension. Kazumi invites Yuko over to her apartment. There Yuko's robotic sidekick and stead Face comes from out of the t.v. The wall opens up and Yuko and Face enter into different dimension. Yuko seeks to kill the creator of the dimension to end the suffering of it's people. Yuko meets Kazumi, who claims not to be from Earth, at a rock concert, and they become instant friends. Yuko invites her new friend to come live with her. However, onces Kazumi gets to Yuko's apartment, she leaves through the wall with her trusty cybernetic steed and into another dimension to face evil.

Comedy (2002)

02 May, 2002
During Ireland's War of Independence, a five-year-old girl sets out to save her village from the English army by trying to enlist the help of the rumored Black Swordsman, who only takes books of a certain genre as payment.