Flesh Slave Collection
Flesh Slave Collection

Female Doctor: Flesh Slave (1986)

08 March, 1986
A female doctor tries to prove her innocence when an erotic tape is shown to her fiancé.

On the Beach (1985)

24 August, 1985
In a summer in Shonan village, Sumiko is the daughter of an important upper-class Shikishima family, she loves to paint pictures, is going through a cooling-off of an arranged marriage that did not work out. However, she feels attraction for Nishina a rough and obscene man ... On the other hand, the younger sister, Naomi Sumiko is envious of her sister for her beauty. Naomi feels ugly since all men seem to like Sumiko. Both sisters then become embroiled in a major problem in discovering the real intentions of Nishina, a man who hides behind a mask to rape women.

Seifuku niku dorei (1985)

22 May, 1985
Seventeen year old female high school student Sadako Hashimoto is a lonely and bullied child. The homeroom teacher, Miyamoto, nagged and preached to the truant Satoko, sparking a desire. Satoko has aspirations for the female teacher Nanshunko, who has a relationship with Miyamoto. Unhealthy classmates Fumio and Meizhi discovered the photo of Shunko posted on Satoko's notebook, bullying her as a "pervert of Lace".

Beautiful Sisters: Flesh Slave (1986)

18 January, 1986
A man on the run from the police takes two sisters hostage in their dental office apartment. He makes himself at home sexually abusing them and getting food service. But the sisters are resilient and quietly develop a plan for revenge.