The Bible Explorer Series
The Bible Explorer Series
Bob Cornuke is a biblical investigator and real-life Indiana Jones. Join him in this set of exciting adventures that uses the Bible as a road map for uncovering its ancient mysteries and support God's Word with archaeological evidence. Travel with Cornuke as he searches to discover the remains of Noah's ark, seeks to solve the mystery of the Ark of the Covenant, sets sail to find the lead anchors from the shipwreck of the apostle Paul, and risks incredible danger to explore Mt. Sinai, the holy mountain on which Moses received the Ten Commandments.

The Search for Noah's Ark (2009)

12 May, 2009
Ever since embarking on his expedition to Mt. Ararat, Bob Cornuke, a biblical investigator and real life Indiana Jones, has had a passion shared by only a select group of explorers. In Search For Noah's Ark: The Lost Mountains of Noah, follow Cornuke as he brings this adventure to life and tries to be the one who makes the greatest archeological discovery in human history - finding the remains of Noah's ark.

The Search for the Ark of the Covenant (2008)

27 October, 2008
The fate of the lost Ark of the Covenant is perhaps the greatest historical mystery of all time. With footage from Israel, Egypt, Ethiopia, and England, including an exclusive interview with Graham Hancock, best-selling author of The Sign and the Seal, this DVD reveals startling new information as to the exact location of the ark and photographic evidence that has never before been seen by the world.

The Search for the Real Mt. Sinai (2003)

07 July, 2003
Biblical explorer Bob Cornuke and his friend, Larry Williams' incredible expedition into the blistering desert of Saudi Arabia has turned up what many scholars believe to be one of the greatest discoveries in history...the real Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai is the holy mountain on which God descended to give Moses the Ten Commandments, and the location where God ordered the building of the Ark of the Covenant. This video tells their amazing story of avoiding detection at borders, crawling into forbidden military installations, and using night vision goggles to avoid being detected as they pursued their mission. Armed with little more than their wits and a Bible, Bob and Larry embarked on a journey that would change their lives forever...finding clues that confirm the Bible as historically accurate.

The Search for The Lost Shipwreck of Paul (2012)

10 April, 2012
Bob Cornuke sets sail on a new adventure in the Mediterranean Sea to the island of Malta in search of the ancient lead anchors from the shipwreck of the apostle Paul. Using the words of Acts 27 from the Bible and techniques he learned as a police officer and crime scene investigator, Cornuke probes every angle of this 2,000-year-old mystery to prove the historical accuracy of God's Word and determine if the anchors originally found by Maltese fishermen in the 1960s and early 1970s are indeed remnants of Paul's misadventure at sea.