The Magick Lantern Cycle
The Magick Lantern Cycle
Though later released as a singular DVD, this collection of nine short films are considered seminal works by renown filmmaker Kenneth Anger were made from 1947 to 1972. Together they are commonly identified as "The Magick Lantern Cycle", and "form the basis of Anger's reputation as one of the most influential independent filmmakers in cinema history."

Fireworks (1947)

31 December, 1947
A dissatisfied dreamer awakes, goes out in the night seeking a 'light' and is drawn through the needle's eye. A dream of a dream, he returns to bed less empty than before.

Scorpio Rising (1969)

10 October, 1969
A gang of Nazi bikers prepares for a race as sexual, sadistic, and occult images are cut together.

The Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome (1954)

29 March, 1954
Lord Shiva wakes. A convocation of magicians in the guise of figures from mythology; a masquerade party at which Pan is the prize. The wine of Hecate is poured: Pan's cup is poisoned by Shiva. Kali blesses the assembly as a bacchic rite ensues.

Lucifer Rising (1974)

10 April, 1974
Egyptian gods summon the angel Lucifer, in order to usher in a new occult age.

Rabbit's Moon (1971)

01 January, 1971
A Japanese fairy tale meets commedia dell'Arte. All in white, the naïf Pierrot lies in a wood. Doo-wop music plays as he rises, stares about, and reaches for the moon. Although music abounds and the children of the wood are there at play, Pierrot is melancholy and alone. Harlequin appears, brimming with confidence and energy. He conjures the lovely Colombina. Pierrot is dazzled. But can the course of true love run smooth?

Kustom Kar Kommandos (1965)

31 July, 1965
A man in tight jeans buffs his car to the strains of The Paris Sisters' "Dream Lover".

Invocation of My Demon Brother (1969)

10 October, 1969
The shadowing forth of Our Lord Lucifer, as the Power of Darkness gather at a midnight mass. The dance of the Magus widdershins around the Swirling Spiral Force, the solar swastika, until the Bringer of Light—Lucifer—breaks through.

Puce Moment (1949)

01 January, 1949
Puce Moment is a short 6 minute film by Kenneth Anger, author of the Hollywood Babylon books, filmed in 1949. Puce Moment resulted from the unfinished short film Puce Women. The film opens with a camera watching 1920s style flapper gowns being taken off a dress rack. The dresses are removed and danced off the rack to music. (The original soundtrack was Verdi opera music; in the 1960s, Anger re-released the film with a new psychedelic folk-rock soundtrack performed by Jonathan Halper.) A long-lashed woman, Yvonne Marquis, dresses in the purple puce gown and walks to her vanity to apply perfume. She lies on a chaise lounge which then begins to move around the room and eventually out to a patio. Borzois appear and she prepares to take them for a walk.

Eaux d'artifice (1953)

01 January, 1953
A woman dressed elegantly walks purposely through the water gardens at the Villa d'Este in Tivoli, as the music of Vivaldi's Winter movement of The Four Seasons plays. Heavy red filters give a blue cast to the light; water plays across stone, and fountains send it into the air. No words are spoken. Baroque statuary and the sensuous flow of water are back lit. Anger calls it water games.