Goslings Series
Goslings Series
Movie collection for the Gosling Series

Iarna bobocilor (1977)

10 September, 1977

Autumn of the Goslings (1975)

09 January, 1975
The action takes place in a small Romanian village where three young graduates are sent to fill out the doctor, French teacher , agronomist unfilled jobs. They are regarded with distrust by most of the people in the village, most of them believing that neither of them will stay there. However they will be proved wrong as the young graduates, except the French teacher, want to stay there,do their job the best they know how and try to get used to the ways of that community . After you see this movie you can't help loving all the characters.

Spring of the Goslings (1987)

06 April, 1987
Following the intervention of his mother, Barbara ( Tamara Buciuceanu-baptism ), the young Ionut ( Horatiu ), a graduate student at the Faculty of Agronomy, is assigned to perform summer practice Viişoara village. His parents, Barbara and Toderaş ( Dem Radulescu ) waits at the train station in Pogoanele fanfare announced the day of arrival, but the young man down from Mocăniţă the previous station and walk over the hills, through the Aries River and through the woods. He enters the village astride the colt Valjean, causing laughter villagers and shame to his mother.