Sexual Ghosts in the World Series
Sexual Ghosts in the World Series
In the room of the Story Hotel, Hina (Rina Minami), who is wearing a blonde wig and a gothic lolita, is accused of having an M-shaped spread by Masukawa, the director of the nursing care company. At the moment Hina is strangled and feels cheerful, Masukawa’s view is distorted. When Masukawa looked around, he noticed a mysterious figure. Miki (Yukine Sakuragi), an abbreviated name for the Research Institute for Bizarre Incidents, has started the investigation into the death of Masukawa. And at first, it was just an accidental death from a heart attack … 

Sex Demon Human 2 : Ikinasai (2018)

20 July, 2018
In the room of the Story Hotel, Hina, who is wearing a blonde wig and a gothic lolita, is accused of having an M-shaped spread by Masukawa, the director of the nursing care company. At the moment Hina is strangled and feels cheerful, Masukawa's view is distorted. When Masukawa looked around, he noticed a mysterious figure. Miki, an abbreviated name for the Research Institute for Bizarre Incidents, has started the investigation into the death of Masukawa. And at first, it was just an accidental death from a heart attack ... 

Sex Demon Human 1 - Estrous Cycle (2016)

25 November, 2016
Aoi (Miori Hara), who is on the way home, is attacked by a mysterious beast man and is killed after being fucked. At the strange research center specializing in cases that cannot be elucidated by ordinary recognition, commonly known as "Kisoken," the staff members Hongo and Maki (Yukine Sakuragi) are inspected. Then, the same infectious virus as the similar case that had already occurred three times is detected from the collected cells. The source of the virus is still a mystery, but it is certain that it will be infected and die by sexual activity with the owner. But the most scary part of the virus was that the dead were resuscitated and spawned new infected people.

Sex Demon Human 3: Pleasure in Another Dimension (2020)

04 December, 2020
A manga artist and a minion who is desperate for life before his wife. Under him, Maya, a different-dimensional person who looks just like his wife, appears. Meanwhile, the Bizarre Case Investigation Institute considers Maya to be an invader ...