Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Collection
A prestigious private high school has students who rank academically at the top of the nation. The school's student council president is Miyuki Shirogane and their student council vice-president is Kaguya Shinomiya. They are attracted to each other, but do not confess their feelings for each other due to their stubborn pride. About a half a year has passed since they have kept their feelings private. Now, Miyuki Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya think the person who confesses first will be the loser. They both think of ways to make the other person confess first.
Kaguya-sama: Love is War (2019)
06 September, 2019
A high school girl and boy are part of the student council at a pricey school. They have a crush on one another, but have kept it under wraps so far. With awareness and an inkling of what the other one feels for each the challenge becomes to make the opposite side profess his or her love first.
Kaguya-sama Final: Love Is War (2021)
20 August, 2021
After years of intense mental battle, the war between Kaguya and Shirogane heads towards its crashing end. Who will be the first to admit their love?