Billy the Kid (Bob Steele) Collection
Billy the Kid (Bob Steele) Collection
The legendary Western outlaw played by Bob Steele

Billy the Kid Outlawed (1940)

20 July, 1940
In the first of the six films Bob Steele made in PRC's "Billy the Kid" series, gun law rules in Lincoln County, New Mexico in 1972, where Sam Daly and Pete Morgan operate a general store. Daly expects to be elected sheriff and he and Morgan intend to bring off a final big coup and then disappear. To further their plans, they have local ranchers such as the Bennett brothers killed. Billy Bonney and his friends Fuzzy Jones and Jeff Travis, driving a cattle herd and friends of the Bennetts,engage in a gun battle with the killers that frightens the stage horses. Billy gives chase and rescues Judge Fitzgerald and his daughter Molly. The judge has been sent by Washington's Department of Justice to take over the law enforcement in Lincoln County, but is murdered by the Daly/Morgan henchman. Sheriff Long deputizes Billy and his friends to bring in the killers, but Daly is elected sheriff, and promptly brands Billy, Jeff and Fuzzy as outlaws. Billy, now known as Billy the Kid, retaliates by ...

Billy the Kid in Texas (1940)

29 September, 1940
In the second of the "Billy the Kid" series from PRC that starred Bob Steele, Billy the Kid is being held on a trumped-up murder charge in a Mexico jail. He escapes and meets his pal, Fuzzy Jones, in Corral City, Texas, which is taking a holiday to allow the cowpunchers of the Lazy A Ranch their periodic spree. In the saloon, Billy is recognized by Dave Hendricks and Flash, two the Lazy A's bed men, as the rider who had held them up after they had robbed the express wagon a few hours earlier. Outside, Billy is ambushed and slightly wounded, and is taken to the express office by Jim Morgan where Mary Barton, the local agent, agrees to tend him until the doctor arrives. Billy turns over the loot he took from the outlaws and he is appointed sheriff, with Fuzzy as his deputy. The Lazy A gang brings in a noted gunfighter, Gil Cooper, who turns out to be Billy's brother. Billy, Gil and Fuzzy eventually rout the outlaw gang, and Gil remains behind with Mary as Billy and Fuzzy ride off.

Billy the Kid's Gun Justice (1940)

27 December, 1940
Escaping from the law once again, Billy, Fuzzy, and Jeff ride to the ranch of Jeff's uncle only to find another family living their. They soon learn of Cobb Allen's scheme where he sells a ranch, makes sure the rancher can't pay off his note, kicks him out, and resells the ranch. But Billy has a plan to recover the ranchers' money and he sends Fuzzy to town with a fake map to a gold treasure.

Billy the Kid's Range War (1941)

24 January, 1941
Williams is out to stop Ellen Goreham from completing her road that is under construction and is using a man to impersonate Billy the Kid. When Billy sees the wanted posters and learns of the murders he supposedly committed, he sets out to find the imposter. His sidekick Fuzzy is there to help him but his friend Jeff, now a Marshal, is also after him.

Billy The Kid's Fighting Pals (1941)

17 April, 1941
Billy, Fuzzy, and Jeff are on the run from the law again. This time they travel to a new town where Fuzzy is made Marshal. But Hardy and his outlaw gang control the town and none of the previous Marshals survived for very long.

Billy the Kid in Santa Fe (1941)

11 July, 1941
Falsely accused of murder, Billy is able to escape thanks to his pals. Once in Santa Fe, he meets once again the man who lied during the trial.