Lebbis: De Bovengrens Trilogie
Lebbis: De Bovengrens Trilogie

Lebbis: De Bovengrens (2018)

28 December, 2018
The Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel ('Lebbis') tackles some of the more absurd aspects of our capitalist world and the importance of finding truly meaningful experiences.

Lebbis: De Ervaring (2021)

22 August, 2021
Registration of the eleventh solo show by the Dutch comedian Hans Sibbel. It's the second part of the trilogy 'De Bovengrens'.

Lebbis: De Ziel (2023)

06 June, 2023
Registration of the third and last instalment of Hans Sibbel's 'Bovengrens'-trilogy, in which the Dutch comedian contemplates the dead end road the world has taken.