Malory Towers (2020)
Malory Towers (2020)
Follow the adventures of Darrell Rivers as she leaves home for the first time to attend an all-girls’ boarding school. Set in post-war Britain on the sun-drenched cliffs of the Cornish coast, the series explores a nostalgic world of midnight feasts, lacrosse, pranks, a mystery ghost and lasting friendships.

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0x01 The Ghost of Christmas Present

02 December, 2022 6:00 pm
When Darrell finds herself stranded at an empty Malory Towers for Christmas, she has to hold her nerve when strange things start happening around the school! 

0x02 The Ghost of Christmas Past

02 December, 2022 6:00 pm
With the strange goings-on still happening, the girls are determined to find help! However, when Gwen disappears on Christmas morning, their efforts turn to finding their friend. 

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