First of the Summer Wine (1988)
Sitcom prequel to Last of the Summer Wine set in a small Yorkshire village in 1939 as Britain becomes poised for war.
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1x01 Taller Exercises
04 September, 1988 12:00 am
Clegg meets Wally, who has started doing special exercises in a bid to become taller. He's hanging from the parapet of a bridge until he loses his grip and falls into the river.
Back at work, Wally and Compo join the lads In the Coop cellar for a 'fag break'.
That evening, the gang go to the cinema. In an effort to impress Nora, they hold Wally by the legs and dangle him over the balcony. All of them are thrown out.
1x02 The Just Doesn't Suit
11 September, 1988 12:00 am
Clegg and Sherbet have to deliver a roll of lino to the home of Miss Deborah Norbury. Seymour asks them to deliver a letter to the young lady.
When they try to make the delivery, Mrs Norbury insists that they have brought the wrong lino, so they have to return to the shop.
Mr Scrimshaw has to go out to a meeting, so he leaves Seymour in charge. He persuades Clegg to take his place so that he can help Sherbet to deliver the replacement lino to the Norbury's house.
While Seymour is away, Clegg has to measure a man for a new suit. He makes a complete mess of things. When the customer returns for a final fitting, the suit is two sizes too small.
1x03 The Way Of The Warrior
18 September, 1988 12:00 am
Clegg's dad is in a panic because his wife is dragging him off to the Co-op to buy a new suit.
Compo has annoyed Chunky Livesey and now lives in fear of retribution.
Mr Clegg goes to be measured for his new suit. He's surprised to learn that one of his shoulders is lower than the other.
Chunky Livesey catches up with Compo and arranges to meet him in the park after dark for a fight.
Compo 'persuades' Foggy to take his place. When Chunky turns up with a gang of his mates, the lads decide to beat a hasty retreat.
1x04 Snuff And Stuff
25 September, 1988 12:00 am
Clegg, Seymour and Sherbet suspect that Mr Scrimshaw is sneaking off to the gents' fitting room to take snuff. They wonder where he hides his snuff box.
The lads persuade Wally Batty to pretend to be a customer trying on some trousers. He bursts into the fitting room just in time to see Mr Scrimshaw hiding his snuff under the seat of a chair.
The boys put strong pepper in Mr Scrimshaw's snuff but it doesn't seem to have any effect on him. Next, they add mouse doppings. This doesn't seem to work either, though when Mr Scrimshaw gets home he can't understand why his cat is so interested in his moustache.
1x05 The Great Indoors
02 October, 1988 12:00 am
The lads decide to spend the weekend camping in the hills.
Foggy finds a place to pitch their tent - in a dilapidated barn.
They try to light a fire but only succeed in filling the barn with smoke.
They take a trip to the nearest pub. When they get back to the barn, they find it full of cows, so they decide to pack up and go home.
On the way home, they get Seymour to tow their handcart behind his car. His brakes fail and the car ends up in a ditch.
1x06 Youth Wanted
09 October, 1988 12:00 am
Mr Scrimshaw is advertising for a youth for light duties. Compo decides to apply for the job but Scrimshaw turns him down.
Clegg's mother helps Compo to smarten himself up and gives him one of her husband's old suits. Scrimshaw still doesn't think he's 'suitable' for a job at the Co-op.
Clegg, Sherbet and Seymour are having a 'fag break' in the cellar at the Co-op store. Compo joins them.
Two men from head office make a surprise visit to check on air-raid precautions. Mr Scrimshaw takes them down to the cellar where they find the lads in the middle of their break. The men from head office want to know what Compo is doing there. Clegg tells them that he's a new member of staff. Mr Scrimshaw is in no position to contradict him.
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