Mister Ed (1961)
Mister Ed (1961)
Wilbur Post and his wife Carol move into a beautiful new home. When Wilbur takes a look in his new barn, he finds that the former owner left his horse behind. This horse is no ordinary horse . . . he can talk, but only to Wilbur, which leads to all sorts of misadventures for Wilbur and his trouble-making sidekick Mister Ed.

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4x01 Leo Durocher Meets Mister Ed

29 September, 1963 8:00 am
Ed, who is a die-hard Dogers fan, notices some weaknesses from the line-up while watching a televised game. Ed then takes it to the field when he himself bats a few and slides onto bases himself at the L.A. Dodgers Stadium.

4x02 Wilbur Post, Honorary Horse

06 October, 1963 8:00 am
Addison gets Wilbur to come up with a design for a building that Addison wants to build. Ed then distracts Wilbur with ideas for a horse book.

4x03 Ed Discovers America

13 October, 1963 8:00 am
The city's American History Museum offers Wilbur a task to build a monument. The best part is that they offer Wilbur a commision, but he doesn't know what he should create.

4x04 Patter of Little Hooves

20 October, 1963 8:00 am
Ed enters Wilbur in a newspaper puzzle contest and Wilbur ends up winning a little horse which Ed adopts as his own son.

4x05 Be Kind to Humans

27 October, 1963 7:00 am
Wilbur and Ed get lost while they were riding out. As they got lost, they met a few bums and while Wilbur's attention was caught by something else, Ed invites them to stay at the Posts' home.

4x06 Don't Laugh at Horses

03 November, 1963 8:00 am
Wilbur is offended by Kay's brother, who dresses up as a horse for a costume ball.

4x07 Getting Ed's Goat

10 November, 1963 8:00 am
Ed has adopted a wild goat and decides to give it to Wilbur as a birthday present.

4x08 Oh, Those Hats!

17 November, 1963 8:00 am
Wilbur is paid to build a brand new beach house for a popular female columnist.

4x09 Taller Than She

01 December, 1963 8:00 am
Ed falls madly in love with a French female horse, but is turned off a little when he realizes that she is taller than him.

4x10 Home Sweet Trailer

08 December, 1963 8:00 am
Wilbur's former Air Force commander, Gordon Kirkwood and his wife Winnie come to town and park their trailer in the Post's back yard. As the trailer is sitting there, Ed feels that his territory is being invaded.

4x11 Love Thy New Neighbor

15 December, 1963 8:00 am
Kirkwood officially buys the house next door, which causes Wilbur to go back to his old behavior of when Kirkwood commanded Post in the Air Force. This causes Wilbur to become overly helpful and just a pain in Gordon's neck.

4x12 Ed's Christmas Story

22 December, 1963 8:00 am
Christmas time comes around the Post household and this year, Wilbur decides to be a little bit more frugal in buying gifts..... that is until he gets Ed's Christmas list.

4x13 Ed Gets the Mumps

05 January, 1964 8:00 am
The Posts and Kirkwoods look after a neighbor's baby, which in turn makes Ed feel neglected, which in return causes him to get the mumps.

4x14 Ed's Dentist

12 January, 1964 8:00 am
Ed constantly is complaining about a toothache. Wilbur tries to fix it by hiring the vet to come and take a look at Ed. When Ed sees the needle from the shot he os about to get, Ed disappears from the scene.

4x15 Ed the Shish Kebab

19 January, 1964 8:00 am
Wilbur is invited to attend a convention held by a bunch of magicians (The Great Blackstones), and decides to take Carol and Ed along also.

4x16 Ed in the Peace Corps

02 February, 1964 8:00 am
Ed is frustrated when Wilbur hires a secretary who happens to be a Japenese exchange student. The reason Ed is so angry is because she is always there and Ed can't speak to Wilbur which causes him to get frustrated.

4x17 Ed the Desert Rat

16 February, 1964 8:00 am
After a fight with Wilbur, Ed heads for all open land which in turn takes him to the desert which he falls victim to all types of misadventures.

4x18 Ed the Donkey

23 February, 1964 8:00 am
Ed is offended when he is constantly called a jackass all the time, so Ed insists that Wilbur take him to the vet to make sure that Ed is still a horse.

4x19 Ed Visits a Gypsy

01 March, 1964 8:00 am
Ed wants Wilbur to take him to a Gypsy to get his hoof read on account of if he will get with a Spirited Philly who he is in love with.

4x20 Ol' Swayback

08 March, 1964 8:00 am
Ed becomes friends with an old swayback horse, who everyone riducules, and convnces Wilbur to let the horse stay with them.

4x21 Mae West Meets Mister Ed

22 March, 1964 9:00 am
Ed overhears Mae West commisioning Wilbur on creating ultra deluxe stables for her horses. When Ed ovehears the conversation, he starts to get discontented with his own surroundings.

4x22 Ed the Chauffeur

12 April, 1964 9:00 am
Ed tells Wilbur that there is nothing to driving a car. Wilbur scoffs at the idea and Ed must show up Wilbur.

4x23 Ed the Musician

19 April, 1964 9:00 am
Everyone gets involved in a local variety show, which makes Ed feel left out. Ed then concocts a plan which he can be a one-horse band and starts to practice in the barn after midnight.

4x24 The Prowler

26 April, 1964 9:00 am
While a prowler is loose in the neighborhood, Wilbur plays detective while Ed is holding the prowler.

4x25 Saddles and Gowns

03 May, 1964 8:00 am
Wilbur refuses to buy Ed a new saddle and Carol a new dress.

4x26 Moko

17 May, 1964 8:00 am
Kirkwood plans a party for his straight-laced, former Commanding General. Problems hit when a little Martian changes the whole thing around.

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