Crown Court (1972)
Crown Court (1972)
Crown Court is an afternoon television courtroom drama produced by Granada Television for the ITV network that ran from 1972, when the Crown Court system replaced Assize courts and Quarter sessions in the legal system of England and Wales, to 1984.

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0x01 A Genial Man: Regina v Bolton (1)

29 November, 1972 12:00 am
Mr Bolton, an eminent Fulchester Councillor, is accused of indecent assault. It is alleged that he fondled the breasts of his 18 year old secretary Gillian Heyes in his offices when she was called in to take down dictation from the Coucillor. The court will hear that the incident was witnessed by another employee who had entered the office while the assault was taking place. Barry Deeley QC leads the defence. His team will suggest that Miss Heyes' family have held a grudge against the Councillor since an application to sub-let their property was rejected.

0x04 Traffic Warden's Daughter (1)

09 December, 2006 12:00 am

0x05 Traffic Warden's Daughter (2)

10 December, 2006 12:00 am

0x06 Traffic Warden's Daughter (3)

11 December, 2006 12:00 am

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